book cover of How West Was Won

How West Was Won

(The seventh book in the Haven, Texas series)
A novel by

Theirs was a love story like no other. . . Or at least it was in Flick O’Malley’s mind. All she’d ever wanted was a man to love her. A family to adore her. Protect her. And she’d do the same in return. Oh, she knew West Malone wasn’t your typical Prince Charming. He was blunt. He was gruff. Sometimes, he was downright scary. But she knew he’d never let anyone mess with someone he claimed as his. And she wanted to be his. She also wanted his rough, wild, insane family to be hers. West Malone’s core was dark. His world, full of gray. He existed. He didn’t live. And that’s the way he liked it. Until Felicity O’Malley decided to blind him with the light that was all her, with her sweetness, her innocence. But West had loved once before. And he’d failed her. That wasn't happening again.

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