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9 books added

Dawn Halliday

A pseudonym used by Jennifer Haymore

Dawn Halliday traveled the South Pacific with her family on their homebuilt sailboat. The months spent on the sometimes-quiet, sometimes-raging seas sparked her love of adventure and grand romance. Since then, she's earned degrees in Computer Science and Education and held various jobs from bookselling to teaching inner-city children to acting, but she's never put down the pen.

When she doesn't have her head buried in a book, you can find her playing video games or posing as a baseball mom in California where she lives with her husband and three children.
   Twice the Night (2008)
   10 Days in Paradise (2009)
     aka Never Let Me Go
   Highland Obsession (2009)
   Sins of the Knight (2009)
   Highland Surrender (2010)
   The Sweetest Revenge (2013)
   Sins of the Highlander (2013)
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   Moonlight and Shadows (2010) (with Jamie Craig and Annmarie McKenna)
Novellas and Short Stories
   Honeymoon Castaways (2007)
   Winter Heat (2013)
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