book cover of Corrupting Cali

Corrupting Cali

(The first book in the Syndicate Kings series)
A novel by

Cali Jenkins
I'm a good girl.
A rule follower.
Mature beyond my years, but not by choice.
I always had to be the responsible one. The caretaker. The strong one.
No one would ever know it, but sometimes I wish I didn't have to be any of those things.
Sometimes I wish someone would take all my control from me and take care of me the way I crave.
When things take a devastating turn, I never expected to get mixed up with a devastatingly handsome yet terrifying mafia boss.
But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to save my sister.

Declan Gilroy
I have everything. Money, power, respect, family.
What else could I possibly want?
Something I'll never find, that's what.
After all, I'm twisted and ruthless. And a more than a little obsessed with someone I can't have.
Imagine my surprise when my obsession comes to my table filled with the most dangerous men in Seattle and bravely asks for a moment of my time.
I have to keep my distance.
She's pure and innocent.
I'm corrupt and dark.
Then she makes me an offer I can't turn down.

You may have met Declan already, but if not, you can get to know him in my Daddies of the Shadows series where he first appears in Wolf's book.

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