Nigel Bloodragon, Duke of Sarcen, had heard that dragon folk found humans dangerously appealing, but he had not really believed it before now.
The plain fact of the matter was that he'd had no rational reason for choosing her. He hadn't even thought beyond the bare basics of his self imposed mission once he'd set eyes on her--find a reasonable facsimile and return with her to bait the enemies of his queen.
The truth was he had been so--stunned, so awed when he'd seen the small warrior fearlessly battling a foe so much larger and stronger than her that he hadn't really thought at all. He'd reacted to his instincts. He'd been under the control of his urges, not his intellect. He couldn't recall consciously thinking anything at all. He'd simply wanted, and he'd taken.
The plain fact of the matter was that he'd had no rational reason for choosing her. He hadn't even thought beyond the bare basics of his self imposed mission once he'd set eyes on her--find a reasonable facsimile and return with her to bait the enemies of his queen.
The truth was he had been so--stunned, so awed when he'd seen the small warrior fearlessly battling a foe so much larger and stronger than her that he hadn't really thought at all. He'd reacted to his instincts. He'd been under the control of his urges, not his intellect. He couldn't recall consciously thinking anything at all. He'd simply wanted, and he'd taken.
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